What Did You Learn From Previous Relationships?

Gideon Lemlem
3 min readFeb 22, 2023

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We’ve all had relationships that didn’t work out, whether due to differences in values, communication breakdowns, or other factors. While the end of a relationship can be painful, it can also be an opportunity for growth and reflection. By taking the time to reflect on what we’ve learned from our past relationships, we can gain valuable insights that can shape our future interactions with others.

Identifying Your Deal-breakers

One of the most important things we can learn from past relationships is what our deal-breakers are. These are the qualities or behaviors that we simply cannot tolerate in a partner, and which are likely to cause problems down the road if left unaddressed. By reflecting on past relationships, we can identify patterns of behavior that we find particularly problematic, and use that knowledge to inform our future decisions.

For example, if we repeatedly find ourselves in relationships with partners who are uncommunicative or dismissive of our feelings, we might realize that clear communication and emotional validation are top priorities for us in future relationships. By knowing our deal-breakers, we can avoid getting into relationships that are unlikely to work out, and focus our energies on finding partners who are a better match for us.

Communication Is Key

Another key lesson we can learn from past relationships is the importance of effective communication. Many relationships break down due to misunderstandings or miscommunications, which can lead to hurt feelings, resentment, and ultimately, the end of the relationship. By reflecting on past relationships, we can identify the communication breakdowns that led to problems, and learn from them to improve our communication skills in future relationships.

For example, we might realize that we tend to avoid conflict or become defensive when our partner raises an issue, which can prevent us from effectively resolving problems. By acknowledging these tendencies and practicing more effective communication skills, such as active listening and non-defensive responding, we can improve our chances of building healthy and lasting relationships.

Understanding Our Own Needs and Values

Finally, past relationships can teach us a lot about our own needs and values. By reflecting on the things that made us happy or unhappy in past relationships, we can identify the qualities and values that are most important to us in a partner, and use that knowledge to guide our future decisions.

For example, we might realize that we prioritize honesty, trust, and emotional intimacy in our relationships, and that these qualities are non-negotiable for us. By knowing what we value most in a partner, we can be more intentional about seeking out relationships that align with our needs and values, and avoid wasting time on relationships that are unlikely to meet our expectations.


In conclusion, there is much we can learn from our past relationships. By identifying our dealbreakers, improving our communication skills, and understanding our own needs and values, we can use our past experiences to shape our future interactions with others. While the end of a relationship can be painful, it can also be an opportunity for growth and self-reflection. By embracing this opportunity and using the lessons learned to inform our future decisions, we can create happier and more fulfilling connections with others

